* The following rules apply for the open leagues. For modifications specific to the “Friendly League”, please see the bottom of the page.
Teams will have ten players on the field; minimum three females.
Each team must have a minimum of ten players to start and finish a game, with a minimum of three females. Teams may start games with as few as 8 players and still be eligible for an official game. Teams may pick up players from other teams (see FAQ policy on homepage, however this is NOT permitted in the playoffs). If a team plays with 8, they will take an automatic out in the 9th spot. If a team plays with 9, they will NOT take an automatic out.
Minimum number of Females: Teams must have a minimum of 3 ladies in the batting order and in the field, HOWEVER teams are permitted to play with 2 ladies provided they take an out in the 10th spot of the batting order and remain with 7 or less males in the field. THIS APPLIES FOR BOTH THE REGULAR SEASON AND PLAYOFFS.
Batting Order: The batting order must be submitted to the umpire prior to game time. Each team must have 2 females within the first six people in the batting order.
Batting More than 10: Teams may bat more than 10 players but the male/female ratio shall be
- 7 males require 3 females by the 10th spot. An 8th male can hit in the 11th spot without an additional female.
- 8 males require 4 females by the 12th spot. If only batting 11 the team can bat 8 and 3. IF batting 12, the team MUST have a 4th female by the 12th spot.
- 10 males require 5 females by the 15th spot. If only batting 14 the team can bat 10 guys and 4 girls but MUST have a 5th female by the 15th spot.
A 5-minute grace period will be enforced for 6 o’clock games only. Otherwise, game time is forfeit time. A team that is awarded a forfeit will receive ten runs.
- 15 runs after 3 innings
- 12 runs after 4 innings
- 10 runs after 5 innings
Will be determined by “rock, paper, scissors” prior to the game
If the visiting team is winning by 8 or more runs going into the last inning, then the FLIP Rule will be in effect whereby the home team bats first in an effort to speed up the game. This rule will not apply in the playoffs.
ALL games will be played with a yellow Mikasa Official Kickball (8.5-inch ball) provided by Mid State Sports Leagues.
Game length is 7 innings. No new inning will start after 55 minutes of game time. A game will be considered regulation after 4 innings are complete or after 30 mins in the case of inclement weather.
Teams must have at least 2 women within the first 6 players in their batting order. Teams may kick all players present if desired.
Members of the kicking team must coach first and third base. The base coaches are responsible for retrieving foul balls and may switch with other team members to remain in the proper batting order.
A pitcher may start their pitch outside of the half-circle, but must release the ball from inside of the half-circle when rolling their pitch. The ball must bounce a minimum of two times prior to arriving at the plate, or roll prior to entering the batter area (front part of home plate).
When a player attempts to bunt there is no minimum distance the ball must travel in fair territory to be ruled playable.
The catcher must remain behind the batter-runner until contact is made.
The strike zone extends to 1 foot on either side of home plate to the inside of the kickball and 1 foot high to the bottom of the kickball as the ball crosses the home plate area.
Three strikes per out. A strike is a kickball pitched within the strike zone that is not kicked by the kicker, or an attempted kick missed by the kicker, inside or outside of the strike zone. If a player fouls off the 3rd strike (courtesy foul), s/he will be given one more opportunity to kick the ball in play. If the ball is kicked foul again, the player is ruled out. Double kicks & traps are considered foul balls as well as balls that bounce foul off a kicker’s leg, even if there was no attempt to kick the ball. On a foul tip directly behind home plate, the ball must travel above the kicker’s head and be caught by the catcher to be ruled an out.
Four balls will advance the kicker. You may not walk a male to get to a female. If walked, the male will advance to second base and the female has the option of kicking or advancing to first base.
A defensive player positioned within the infield at the time the pitcher begins his wind up.
A defensive player positioned in the outfield (grass) at the time the pitcher begins his wind up.
- When playing with 10 players a team must have a minimum of 4 outfielders.
- When playing with 9 players a team must have a minimum of 3 outfielders.
- Players positioned in the outfield may enter the infield to play a live ball once the batter-runner has made contact with the ball.
The diagonal attack line is defined as the line stretching diagonally from 1st to 3rd base. Female Batter- No one may cross the Attack Line prior to the batter making contact with the ball. Male Batter – Players may cross the attack line once the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.
The ball must be kicked with the Foot or Leg at or below the knee. The ball must be kicked at or behind home plate. A strike will be charged if the ball is kicked in front of home plate and the batter/runner was not put out. The strike will not be called until the umpire declares the ball dead.
Runner must stay within the base line. Fielders must stay out of the base line. If a fielder is making an attempt on the kicked ball they have the right to the baseline. A runner interfering with a fielder making a play on the ball will be called out. Fielders not making a play on the ball, in the way of any runner in the baseline will cause the runner to be safe at the base they are running to (umpire’s discretion).
Teams may designate one player prior to the game that receives a courtesy runner. The courtesy runner must be the last kicked out of the same gender.
Leading off is not permitted. A runner off the base when the ball is kicked is out (appeal only). No hitting above the shoulders. If the runner is hit above the shoulders they will be safe and advance one additional base at the end of the play. If the runner intentionally uses their head to block the ball (umpire’s judgment) the runner is out. If the runner ducks or slides and in the processes is hit in the head, it does NOT count as a head hit.
With less than two outs and runners on first and second or first, second and third, a ball kicked in the air with the defense (infielder) being able to make a reasonable play on the ball, an “Infield Fly Rule” call will be made. The batter will be deemed out and runners may advance at their own risk.
Teams are only permitted a maximum of 5 ‘over the fence’ MALE home runs per game. Any home run hit after 5 will result in the kicker being ruled out. FEMALE home runs do NOT count against the overall total. A ball that goes over the fence after being tipped by a defender does not count as one of the 5 allotted home runs. This is a 4-base error that results in all baserunners scoring.
Three outs by a team will complete the team’s half of the inning. An out is:
- Three strikes or foul on 3rd strike (twice)
- Runner touched by the ball at any time while not on base.
- Fielder touches the base in which a runner is forced to run with ball IN HAND.
- A runner off the base when the ball is kicked.
When the pitcher has the ball in control on the mound and the offense’s momentum towards the next base has been stalled, the play ends (to be declared by the umpire). If the runner intentionally touches or stops the ball, the play ends.
The runner may advance on a sacrifice fly AS SOON AS CONTACT IS MADE BY THE FIELDER on the kickball (by the umpire’s judgment). The fielder does NOT have to have possession of the ball for the runner to advance.
Extra innings will be played with 1-out and a runner on 2nd base. A maximum of 3 extra innings will be played before the game is declared a tie (in playoffs the game will continue until there is a winner).
- Head to Head
- Run differential (10 run max per game)
- Coin Toss
The Friendly League is our least competitive league and is meant for a more relaxing atmosphere void of competition you may see on other nights.
- Pitching: All pitches must be thrown underhand in a “friendly form.” Meaning the pitcher throws the ball with the intention of the kicker getting a good kick in. No significant speed, no excessive bouncing, etc. Any pitch that does not meet this requirement will be called a ball.
- Kicking: No bunting. If the kicker attempts a bunt, the defense may play the ball to try and get an out. If the defense does not get an out, the play will be called a strike and the kicker will return to the plate.